Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Food Science and Safety
Hong Kong, 홍콩
2 up to 4 Years
풀 타임
신청 마감
요청 신청 마감일
가장 빠른 시작 날짜
가장 빠른 시작 날짜 요청
HKD 400,620 *
연구 형식
* for the whole programme
학업 자금을 지원하는 장학금 기회를 탐색하십시오.
Programme Aims
The Programme aims to equip graduates with both theoretical knowledge and practical skills in food science and safety, including food chemistry, nutritional science, food microbiology, food sensory and evaluation, food engineering and quality control and food safety management. A broad spectrum of these modules are designed to well facilitate students competency to perform effectively in the food, nutrition and catering industries as well as to solve the technical problematic issues related to the field of food science and safety. It will also provide students with generic management skills, work integrated learning either in local or overseas food and related industries for strengthening their employability in the competitive community.
Professional Recognition
This programme has been approved by the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department of the Hong Kong Government (FEHD). Successful completion of this course graduates, their qualifications have been covered and exempted from the examination to obtain the registration of the Food Hygiene Manager under the scheme. Graduates can apply for qualified testing professionals to the Testing Professional Certification Scheme of the Hong Kong Association of Testing, Inspection and Certification (HKTIC).
직업 기회
경력 전망 졸업생은 다음과 같은 직업을 추구 할 수 있습니다 : 식품 과학자 / 기술자 위생 감독관 품질 관리 책임자 식품 공급망 감사관 정부 건강 감독관 식품 생산 감독관 글로벌 식품 구매자